Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Part Two - Who is Conrad Murray Lying to

Please don’t expect me to give answers that doesn’t raise other questions because most of the time answering one question just raises more questions. And i don’t have a doubt in my mind that from what i share here with you all will do just that.

Again i want to makei t very clear that everything i write down are my feelings and thoughts. What i write down doesn’t have to be the truth, it doesn’t mean that things happend the way i think they did. So let me continue with part two.

On June 25th we all heard the news that Michael died. But as soon as i heard that it didn’t feel to me like he just died. I felt he was murderd. I don’t know if you’ve all read part one and the questions i put up there. So i put the questions about Murray in this part as well.

Is Conrad Murray a doctor: YES
Is Conrad Murray involved in this murder: YES
Does Conrad Murray have a motive to be involved: YES, lack of money
Is Conrad Murray telling the truth about what happend: NO
Is Conrad Murray the only one involved: NO
Is Conrad Murray the one who really killed Michael: I’m not so sure about that.(I’ll explain later why i have doubts)

I know to some of you expressing my doubts if Conrad Murray really did kill Michael raises a lot of questions and that some even may think i’m defending him. Let me start right away by telling you that i really strongly believe that Conrad Murray is involved in the murder of Michael and i’m not here to clear his name. I just want you to keep an open mind that the things we think we know maybe aren't the way they seem.

I have to admit at first I was so sure Conrad Murray was the guy who did kill Michael. I saw the same things you all did see on the warrents and the other papers that leaked to the press. And like most of you i believe he is not in it alone. After all if it walks like a duck talks like a duck and looks like a duck it mostly is a duck, right? Hmm…let’s see about that.

Than i rememberd something Michael used to say a lot..”Just because it’s on print it doesn’t mean it’s the gospel” I know he was refering to tabs and other media outlets who told lies. But who tells me Conrad Murray isn’t the one lying here? I mean he has lied to the EMT’s by not telling that he give Michael propofol, he didn’t tell the doctor at the hospital about it either.

Conrad Murray keeps saying himself or by a statement his lawyers made “He did not give Michael anything that should have killed him”. So it seems Conrad Murray is lying..but to who? His lawyers or to the police? So I started looking at things over and over again and my thoughts went from “He’s the one that killed Michael” to “Well i’m not sure he is the one that really killed him”.

To some and maybe even to most of you Conrad Murray just made a few misstakes and that’s why you will say that Michael’s death was an accident. I want you all to know i respect that people think like this but i don’t agree with it. There are just to manny mistakes he made, there are too manny holes in the story. And that is a big part of the reason i doubt Conrad Murray is the one who actually killed Michael. To me he lokes more like a pawn, a scapegoat.

If you read the info about the statement Conrad Murray give to the police the First thing that’s crossed all our minds is:”And this guy calles himself a doctor? He’s just way to stupid to be a doctor. He’s a stupid fool.””He killed Michael”.

I for one feel that Conrad Murray is playing his part acting like a stupid doctor very well. So far many people are buying his stupidety. Lot’s of you say Conrad Murray probebly fell a sleep and when he woke up he found Michael death. Than according to many people who shared their thoughts with me they think this doctor panicked? You’ve got to be kidding me..this doctor didn’t panic, he coverd his ass and with covering his ass he’s also covering “the big fish”ass.

So can we really be so sure to say Conrad Murray told the truth 100% to the police? Doesn’t it look way to convinient that he makes himself look like a stupid doctor that just made some stupid mistakes? Let’s get real here…has anybody ever heard of a doctor that made mistake after mistake the way Conrad Murray did?

Did you all know that when you panic there are only three ways you can respond…over here we call it triple F wich means…Flight, Fight, Freeze..Now what did Conrad Murray do? Did he fly? Nope he just went doing some phonecalls after he found Michael not breathing. Did he Freeze? Again nope he didn’t Freeze either because he made phonecalls and from what we can read what the police wrote down he was very well aware that Michael needed help after he found him. Did he Fight? Yes he fought…and again the answer is by making phonecalls and so far it’s between CM and God to know what Conrad Murray did in that room.

1 comment:

  1. Ele é torto e inescrupuloso, só está segurando essa culpa sozinho por dinheiro, muito dinheiro.
