Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Part Thirteen - He's Gone

Right now i want to take you all back again to june 25th. The 911call was made at 12.22. We know that after just a few minutes the ambulance arrived at Michael’s house. As soon as the ambulance arrived fans started to make calls to people saying that there was an ambulance at Michael’s house. Michael’s father even said it was a fan that called him to tell him about the ambulance. There are two things that look very strange from what happend after the EMT’s arrived.

The first strange thing is the rumours that the EMT’s already wanted to declaire that Michael was dead in his home. But Conrad Murray overruled them. You can ask you if he was allowed to do overrule the paramedics, and the answer to that one is really simple. Yes, Conrad Murray could overrule the EMT’s because he is a doctor. Of course we all wonder why he did overrule them. The only reason i can think of is this, if Michael would have been declared dead in his home that the police would have been there right away and had to start the investigation right away too. I don’t think they would have allowed other people to enter or to leave the house untill they would say it was ok to enter or to leave. But than again that’s just one of my many theories i have when it comes down to Michael’s murder.

Let us also take a look at the second strange thing that happend. Conrad Murray did not mentioning to the paramedics about the propofol he give to Michael. And how the EMT’s give Michael the “Halleluja package” or something like that. I never even heard of a thing like that so as curious as i am i wanted to know what it ment. As it seems it means that they went all the way trying to bring Michael back. They didn’t just try but they did give the maximum they could give as a treatment.

How on earth could the paramedics ever give Michael the right kind of treatment if CM withhold them such important information? Don’t get me wrong i’m not blaming the EMT’s here..they just did their job the best they knew how with the information they got from the doctor who was right there. But to me it seems that when you don’t give all the information that is this important you are doing this for a reason. Than the question can pop in your mind if the EMT’s would have know about the propofol would they have been able to bring Michael back than? My honest and heartfelt answer to this is NO, i really don’t think so, because Michael was already gone.

It took the EMT’s about half an hour before they took Michael to the hospital and as far as we know CM went to the hospital too. The thing i can’t say for sure if if Conrad Murray was right there in the ambulance with the paramedics and Michael or that Conrad Murray got to UCLA Medical Centre in another way. That is because there are contradicting stories about that. The things that amazed me though was how slow the ambulance left the home. Also the picture of Michael in the ambulance didn’t feel right for me. It was like i was looking at a Michael that was way younger and still very much alive judging that by the colour of his skin. Also the picture looked like i had seen it before.

At 13.13pm the ambulance finally arrived at UCLA medical centre. Conrad Murray also did not tell the doctors at the hospital anything about the propofol he give Michael. So not only did he cover up something once but twice and that all in a timeline of about half an hour – 45 minutes. We’ve heard people declaring that at the hospital Michael was braindead. In other words and as horrible as it will sound Michael was kept alive hooked up to machines. We can all wonder why they would do a thing like that but i think they needed to wait for permission from somebody to pull the plug. And finally Michael was pronounced dead in the hospital at 14.26pm.

Another series of strange events happend after that. Conrad Murray refused to sign the death certificate, the word is that it was LaToya who signed it, and Conrad Murray went missing for a few days. A presconference was held right there at UCLA Medical Centre an we heard Jermaine telling the World that Michael was gone, i honestly couldn’t believe what i heard and was this can’t be…if he’s gone he’s been murdered and i cried my eyes out, just like many of you all did. That moment for me it felt like a lot of things were taken from me and that my memories about Michael would be nothing more anymore than just memories.

But enough about how i felt at that time..let’s go back to that that moment that Jermaine was sitting at that table with all these microphones in front of him…telling us Michael was no longer with us. Looking back at that felt kind of strange, because i didn’t see a doctor or somebody else who represented the hospital there. Maybe that is just because the family wanted to tell it to us in person but i thought it was only normal if there would have been somebody from the hospital at Jermaine’s side. There was however one person there that i didn’t expect to see right there at that very same table and that was doctor Tohme Tohme.


  1. Latoya didnt sign the DC, she was just an informant. There were also different stetements according to the numbers of RAs. Kai Chase & Phillips (I think it was them) were talking of ambulances, so more than one.

  2. Só posso dizer que a notícia de sua morte foi como se o mundo parasse de respirar por tamanha dor.
    E com certesa perdeu o SUA MELHOR FORMA DE AMOR
