Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Part TwentyFour - Michael's Health

Besides the stories about Michael being an addict, there is also a lot of talk about his general health. Sometimes i get the impression that people think that Michael was some kind ofsuperhuman who was unable to get ill or injured. Like he has no right to take a painkiller when his body hurts one way or another. Instead of that they forget about some things and Judge him whenever he was on painmedication, even calling him an addict for doing so. Well since we all take painkillers when we are in pain that would make us all addicts too. Even when we only take them once a year, we are all addicts.

I’m in no way gonna deny Michael was skinny, because he was skinny. But looking skinny doesn’t tell you anything about a mans weight or his health. What to us might seem as unhealthy, doesn’t mean a person is unhealthy. A lot of people seem to forget that we all age differently and the hell Michael went through on 2005. These things can change somebody’s looks dramaticly. We have to realize that none of us have put Michael on a scale while he was alive and took pictures of that. If you all want to go by speculations, comparing pictures with 12 years in between and listen to so called friends saying he was just 106pounds than be my guest. Until the coronor comes out and tells us his weight i’m not gonna Judge about his weight.

We’ve all heared that there where two autopsy reports leaked. The first one was denied very fast. The second one wasn’t denied at all, as a matter of fact they all kept silent about it exept for the newspapers that claimed Michael was healthy. I’m not gonna take what is all written about that as the gospel, because to be able to do that we would have to see that report ourselfs. But i can tell you that the newspapers were twisting words here again. If you take a look at what this person who saw this report really said he didn’t say Michael was healthy, he said his overall health was fine at the time of his death. This only means that there wasn’t anything physicly wrong that could have caused Michael to die.

There are a lot of people saying now oooooo than he didn’t have Lupus or if he had it he only had it in a mild form. Lett me try to explain a bit about Lupus, first of all there is no mild form of Lupus, you either have it or you don’t. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years. Having Lupus doesn’t mean you have these infections all of the time. It flares up wich means you have times you feel sick and symptoms get worse, but you also have times that it is in remission during that a person can even have no sign of infection and feel “healthy”.

I can already hear you ask why didn’t the report mention Lupus than? That’s also easy to explain, a coronor is not there to diagnose an illness, he is there to look if there is anything in the body that caused that person to die. And at the time of his death apperently the Lupus was in remesion. That doesn’t mean that the coronor didn’t find anything that might be a sign for Lupus. Keep in mind that the reports mention “inflamed lungs” and discolerations of the skin. Both of them are signs for Lupus.

Lupus is a genetical disorder, this doesn’t have to mean if you are a carier having that gene you will develop Lupus, because to devellop Lupus that also has to do with your enviroment. Things like high emotional stress, an injury even a simple thing as a cold can trigger Lupus. There are cirtain ethnic groups such as African, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, Native American and Native Hawaiian people that have a greater risk of developing lupus
But than what about the vitiligo? Even though vitiligo caused these discolorations, vitiligo itself can also be a sign for Lupus. This doesn’t mean every person that has vitiligo also has Lupus, and this also doesn’t mean people who have Lupus have to have vitiligo. The thing these two deseases have in common is that they both are autoimmune disease and both are inriversable. This means that the damage that is caused by these diseases is there for the rest of your life.

What i’m about to say is only speculation about how i think they found out Michael had Lupus, i don’t know that it did happen like this for sure because i don’t have his medical records. But what i think is that when Michael burned his scalp that that triggerd the Lupus. But before they found out he first got the discoloration of his skin wich was diagnosed as Vitiligo, wich was in fact just another sign for Lupus. Just like his lungproblems he had all the time. Because doctors work badly together and the signs of Lupus are often treated as separate diseases it took doctors a long time to put 1 and 1 together as being in fact 2.

So do knowing this about Lupus do i believe he was “healthy” around the time of his death, i can answer that from my point of view with a yes. Because as i explained i think they and also others only looked to the word healthy and didn’t bother to read further than just the headline.And if people are gonna say one more time that Michael had nothing or so severe that could explain why he was using painmedication or other medication at times, i'm gonna scream real loud to go educate themselfs, after all it was Michael himself that said education was the key.

If you want to try find out more about Lupus and how it is treated i can recomend all of you to look at the website of the “Lupus Foundation of America”


  1. É realmente incrível como as pessoas acham que por ser Michael Michael Jackson seria um super-homem e inune Deveria ser uma dor ou um qualquer tipo de doença e se Restringen apenas ao uso de medicamentos por ele em um viciado ser, afinal a mídia está sempre vendendo essa inverdade.
    Mas qualquer fã ou simplesmente alguém que pense por si só, vai concordar que um homem de 50 anos que uma vida inteira foi magro e estava em seu momento de preparação para os shows não poderia estar 100% saudável, até porque já conhecemos toda uma sua Tragetória Angústias e de sofrimentos.


  2. He had the butterfly skin discoloration from a young age in pictures which is a sign of lupus not vitiligo. So he had it a long time and I have seen people come into my office that have it. It is very painful on some days so I can see why he would need pain medicine. I remember the video where he took a pain pill for a tooth ache everyone jumped to conclusions but how many of them wouldn't take a pain pill if they had a tooth ache. I think he took pain medication as needed and he probably needed more with his rigorous schedule. I feel so bad for Micheal having to work so hard.
