Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Part TwentyTwo - Cleaning the House

A lot of people are wondering about things the LAPD did, or better say what the LAPD didn’t do right after Michael was declared death at the hospital. Some of these things a already mentioned a bit before. I mean what took them so long to talk to the staff that where at the house before Michael was taken to the hospital. Another thing a lot of peope wonder about is why Michael’s house wasn’t sealed.

I want to start by saying once more that i agree not sealing Michael’s house was a bad move. After CM disapeared from the hospital alarmbells should have been ringing imo this was a big red flag that something was not right. But no matter that we don’t like this false start of the investigation the truth is that at the start the police didn’t think it was foul play. As far as they knew Michael died at the hospital, so for them there was no reason to see Michael’s house as a crime scene and seal it at that point. And in a way it’s even easy to say the LAPD was wrong but we must not forget we saw all this media coverage going on from the start wich the investigators probebly didn’t see at that time.

We’ve all heard the cheff say that right after Michael was taken to the hospital all the staff was sent home. I don’t know who exectly give the orders but the word goes around that it was Tohme Tohme who told them this. I think this is a strange move, wouldn’t you want the staff to be together until it’s more clear what is going on and also to make sure that the media couldn’t get to these people at this point? Or was sending the staff home a way to makei t more difficult to talk to them? Because now the LAPD would first have to get all personall files from these people before they could get in touch with them. That would just take more time than keeping the people all in the same house wouldn’t it?

Now let’s take a look at how fast moving vans went to Michael’s house, this was just two days after Michael’s death. The moving vans were there on the same day (June 27th) that the word came out that Conrad Murray’s car was impounded, and that the police searched Michael’s house for the first time. The first time the police searched the house was on June 26th. So it could very well be the LAPD gave Janet and LaToya permission to do this. But the possebility that all these people could have been in the house will also give a very good reason to doubt any “evidence” the police found after this day. Everybody that set foot in Michael’s house could have planted anything in Michael’s house. And if we can already figure this out than so will a defence lawyer.

We know now that the police searched Michael’s home twice, the first one probebly took place at the same time the LAPD impounded Conrad Murray’s car, and before the moving vans came. As for as i know they didn’t find anything the first time they looked. The second time they searched the house was on june 29th, after Judge C. Omedo issued a search warrant. We can find all kinds of info about this in the same search warrant and affidavit i’ve been talking about in my notes all the time. In that search warrant the they also mention the things they found in Michael’s house on Carrolwooddrive. I will put the things they found down, so you all don’t have to go through that warrant and affidavit again. But if you want to check this info it’s on page 20 lines 19-24. You will also read there that none of the items were labeled as prescribed to any patiënt.

Here is what they found:
- Multiple bottles/vails of Lidocaine (Xylocaine).
- Several bottles /vails of Propofol (Diprivan).
- Bottles/vails of Lorazepam (Ativan).
- Bottles/vails of Midazolam (Versed).
- Bottles/vails of Flumazenil (Anexate).

Now in late August, to be exact on august 27th the word came out that there was “heroin” found at Michael’s house. But the stories about by who it was found are conflicting.. Some say it was LaToya who found a bag in Michael’s bedroom and she handed it over to the police because she thought it was heroin. The other storie is that the police found it in Michael’s bedroom on june 26th. After this “herion” was investigated it turned out it wasn’t herion at all but very old Marijuani. Now for some reason i don’t believe it was found on june 26th at all. After all the word was nothing was found back than, and i think i fit was found at that time it would have been mentioned in the search warrant and affidavit i keep mentioning. As a matter of fact i think this information is incorrect all the way because the Law inforcement have disputed that this was in a warrant. So i for one do not care who these so called “close sourses to the investigation” are, the truth is that this is once more a story we can flush down the drain.

To me it looks pretty strange that they didn’t find any of this when the LAPD first went to Michael’s house. And sinse the house wasn’t sealed anybody could have planted these medicine and the drugs at the house. For me this proofs once more that somebody wanted it real bad that Michael would be painted of as an drugaddict. The media was covering about these finds big time. And since a lot of people only go by what they hear, instead of looking in to things and investigate if the info they are getting from the media is true, the find of the meds and drugs proof to these people that Michael was indeed an addict.

It is a bit to convinient that the media keeps saying that they get their information from “sources close to the investigation” “sources close to the familie””an unknown sourse has revieled”. I’m getting sick and tired of all these people who keep spreading these rumours. While these “sources” are doing this they confuse a whole lot of people, fans and no fans, and distract everything and everybody from the facts regarding Michael’s murder. I’ve said it before and i will say it again, the addiction we here about is nothing more and nothing less than one big smoke screen. Somebody is cleaning the house

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