Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Part Eight - Back to Conrad Murray Again

First i want to clear up something. I’ve seen a lot of people talking about Conrad Murray being a Holistic doctor. I have a feeling that many people see holistic doctors and other holistic healthcare workers as some kind of wtich doctors. But it’s not like that at all. Holistic doctors and holistic healthcare workers see the patient as a whole and not just seperate body parts. Holistic doctors and healthcare workers feel that the body, mind and spirit all have a part in the healing proces. Also they combine modern western medicine with alternative medicine. If you want to find out more information about Holistic doctors and holistic medicine please check I tried to check the AHMA (American Holistic Medical Association) and Conrad Murray is not registred there. That does not mean i’m saying Conrad Murray is not a Holistic doctor, it only means that i wasn’t able to find out if he is or not. Cause it could be that there are more than one place were Holistic doctors can be registred.

Okay so now we’re back at Conrad Murray again. I guess the best thing is to take a look at those search warrents again and pick up where we left of. Conrad Murray has stated that Michael finaly fell asleep after he give him propofol and that Conrad Murray left the room after 10 minutes to go to the restroom. Conrad Murray told the police that all this time he was monitoring Michael with a pulse oxiometer that was atached to Michael’s finger. So i presume that that’s the way he left Michael behind as he went to the restroom. Conrad Murray didn’t mention anything about giving Michael oxygen that night. If you take a look at what kind of aquipment a hostpital uses to monitor patient who are given propofol than only using a pulse oxiometer attached to the finger doesn’t sound like good monitoring does it? And why did Conrad Murray go to the restroom leaving Michael alone, couldn’t he have called one of the security to stay with Michael while he had to go..or maybe he should just have pied in a cup. Either way in my opinion CM should have never left Michael alone while he was under with propofol.

When he returned about 2 minutes later he found Michael not breathing and started do CPR at once all by himself We all remember we heard multiple media outlets say Conrad Murray found Michael not breathing but with a weak pulse. To me it doesn’t make sence to start CPR on a person not breathing but with a pulse. Because from what i’ve been learned is: When you notice a person is not breathing but has a pulse the first thing you do is make sure this person gets air. Do never perform CPR on a person that still has a pulse. Maybe i was in the wrong nursing school or something but that is what i’ve been tought and i think it’s safe to presume that if you are a cardiologist you are trained to do it like that too.

Let me get back again to the moments Conrad Murray found Michael. I’ve just stated that Conrad Murray told the police he started CPR at once all by himself. Conrad Murray also said he injected Michael with Flumazil and he also called Michael Amir Williams with his cell for help. According to Conrad Murray he told him to sent security upstairs. Now does Conrad Murray want to make us believe he has more than 2 arms or what? You need both hands to perform CPR. How can you do all those things at the same time..or does it mean Conrad Murray started giving Michael CPR and stopped to give him drugs and call Michael Amir Williams? I just don’t know how to think about this one YET. And when i thought things couldn’t get more wierd boy was i in for a shock.

Let’s skip some time and travel with me to the 911call that was made. The dispatcher clearly say: “Alright, is he on the floor, where's he at right now?” The security that made responded: “He's on the bed, sir, he's on the bed.” So let’s follow this conversation a bit more:
Operator: OK let's get him on the floor.
Caller: OK.
Operator: OK let's get him down to the floor. I'm going to help you with CPR right now. We're on our way there, we're on our way but I'm going to do as much as I can to help you over the phone. We're already on our way. Did anybody see him?
Caller: Yes we have a personal doctor here with him sir.
Operator: Oh you have a doctor there?
Caller: Yes but he's not responding to anything. He's not responding to CPR or anything.

The first thing i notice in this convo is that in no way does the security who made the call tells Conrad Murray to put Michael on the Floor. The second thing is that this same security tells the dispatcher that there is a doctor and that Michael is not responding to CPR. Everybody who knows something about CPR knows it has to be given on a hard surface that’s why the dispatcher said that Michael had to be put on the floor. Now why didn’t they do that? Why did the security not respond to the dispatchers order to put Michael on the floor? According to Conrad Murray he did not put Michael on the floor because Michael was on a firm bed.

If you already thought this part of the 911 call is strange i can promiss you that things can even get more strange. I for one was more amazed every time i found out something about the CPR. So now i take you back in time again a bit about how Conrad Murray said he performed CPR on Michael. Conrad Murray has told he performed CPR with one hand on Michael’s back and that he used the other hand to pump Michael’s chest. According to Conrad Murray he did that because Michael was frail and he wanted to support Michael’s back. While i’m typing i go…uhhhhm that doesn’t make sence. Conrad Murray didn’t put him on the floor because Michael had a firm bed and yet he felt the need he had to support Michael’s back? And how on earth is Conrad Murray able to put enough presure on Michael’s chest just using one hand to pump the chest?


  1. "or maybe he should just have pied in a cup."

    LOL :o)

  2. Eu sinceramente não acredito nessa versão do Dr. Morte, chega a ser insano, um médico graduado se prestar um erros primários.
    Não, não dá pra acreditar.
    Eu acho que Michael sequer foi socorrido, pois o propósito era justamente deixa-lo morrer.

  3. Maybe they knew it was too late and wouldn't do any good to put him on the floor and continue. But why did Murray insist the paramedics continue to try and revive him? Maybe that's why the security guard is so calm, they know he is gone.
