Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Part ThirtyOne - The Autopsy report

On Monday Februari 8th 2010 Michael’s autopsyreport was released. I for one was happy that that report is finally in the open. Not because it’s a fun thing to read, but it at leads sheds a little more light about his health and what was in his body when Michael was killed. By the looks of it, it seems to confirm the things we heard of with the second leaked autopsy report.

I know this released report won’t stop the media or others to keep claiming addiction although there is nothing in that report to support those claims. Some people will claim the coronor tampered with this autopsy report and will even say the coronor was paid of by AEG or others to make the report like this. Well i hope that the people who claim things like this put a sock in it. As a matter of fact the people around Michael that were so bold to claim addiction in public should imo now appologize in public about those claims and for not believing Michael…You guys did him wrong…

I will put a link up but i do this with a warning…don’t read the full autopsy report if you have doubts that you’re up to it. For those who don’t want to or can’t bring themselfs to read it i will try to explain some things in the easiest way i can about this report. For those of you who want to read it here’s the link: Autopsy Report

General Health:
Michael’s general health seems to be as good as can be expected. We must not forget we are talking about a 50 year old man here. And it’s pretty common to read things like artrithes, enlarged prostate, some plaque build up in some of the arteries. The condition of the organs all support that he was in good health. Although they did find inflamation of the lungs this did not contribute to his death. His weight was withing normal range but on thow side of normal 136 pounds and is thin.

The coronor clearly mentions Vitiligo and signs of Vitiligo in the report. Although the coronor doesn’t mention Lupus directly, he does mention sign related to Lupus. Keep in mind that Vitiligo also is on of the signs of Lupus and the inflamed lungs can be a sign of that to. Lupus is not something you can diagnose just like that because it is a dissease that you only diagnose by connecting the dots the right way.

Cause of death:
We all know the cause of that was ruled Acute Propofol Intoxication and that the coronor ruled Michael’s death a homicide. The coronor explains in the autopsy report why he came to the conclusion that is was a homicide. The amount of propofol in Michael’s body and the place of where the iv was would have made it impossible for Michael to be able to inject the propofol himself. The amount of propofol was so high that he was gone within seconds. The report seems to suggests that the amount of propofol found was given by a bolus injection.

At Michael’s house there were multiple empty bottles of propofol found. The report is not clear about how many bottles that where. But if you look at the list of meds that where found there were 3 100ml vials of propofol and 8 20ml vails of propofol. None of the bottles of propofol had prescription direction, a patient’s name or a doctor’s name on it.

As can be expected the propofol was found in the intire body. People who think this is strange have to realize propofol is a very fast acting drugs and when given it knocks you out in seconds after you are injected with propofol.

Other medications found:
There were other medications found in his body. These drugs are Midazolam. Lidocaine, diazapam, nordiazepam, ephedrine. The benzodiazepenes given to Michael by Murray are listed as a contributing factor to Michael’s death.

There were no pills found in Michael’s stomach. Although there were found many bottles of other medications prescribed by Murray, Metzger, Klein, James and Nurse Lee, none of those meds were found in the body.

Addiction Indications:
There is nothing in the autopsy reports that support the claims of an addiction. The organs were fine and if there would have been any kind of addiction i’m sure they would have found things that would support addiction. In no way does this list of medication indicate that Michael was addicted to prescribtioned drugs.

There were punctures found at different places of Michael’s body. It’s not clear to me what the coronor is saying with this. It’s also not clear if those punctures were fresh or old.

Even though hairsamples were taken there is no report about what they found or did not find in those hairsamples.

Time of death:
The coronor does not mention the time of death in his report. He does mention that when he started to examen the body on june 25th at 18.11pm that there was no Rigor Mortis (the body going stiff) but there was Lividity (discolorations of the body because blood is sincking). Since neither the EMT’s nor the doctor’s at the hospital were able to get Michael’s heart started again this means his blood was been pumped through his body because he was on life support.

Imo this does not tell us anything of the actual time of death, it only tells us something about what time the machines were turned of and the blood stopped circulating Michael’s body. We still have only Conrad Murray’s story about a timeline he give Michael the propofol wich was according to Conrad Murray given at 10.40 am. Since the coronor report is clear about the cause of death i think it’s fair to assume that Michael’s real death was somewhere around that time at the latest.
I think i mentioned the most important things that were in the coronor’s report, without going to much into the horrible details that can bes een in that report. But there is something i want to mention, although this has nothing to do with the coronor’s report. I will call that my sidenote.

My sidenote:
There is a story circulating the internet right now about Conrad Murray leaving Michael alone for 4 hours without monitoring Michael, wich would indicate that Michael was gone in the early morning of june 25th. If this story would be true i really believe the coronor would have noticed at least that Rigor Mortis already had to set in. So imo this story is a fake story if i put this side to side to the coronor’s findings it doesn’t add up. I’m not saying that the person who is telling this story is lying, but that doesn’t mean she is not being lied to by her own sourses. I really think the person who is sharing this story on the internet acted and acts in good Faith and i have a feeling she is just being used to create another smokescreen.


  1. Good written again ..I have read the whole report and I don't recomment anyone who has a weak stomache to read the report in his whole ,I could read it because I blokked Michael out of my head for a while but than still it is hard to read because Michael keeps popping back in .....

  2. Hi Esther,
    I read few others notes sice I have stopped reading due to my particular situation...
    Honey very well written.
    Don't be scared from what I am going to say but I believe from this blog you should go for a book...think on that. You have a very good thoughts. Excellent research!
    Well done.
    I also read in somewhere CM left the room for few hours and not minutes. And I do believe that was possible.
    Did someone checked for long he stayed on the phone outside MJ's room?

  3. He couldn't have left the room for a couple of hours. That can very well be shown by the state MJ was in (rigor mortis).
    If we all agree MJ was murdered by CM, then CM couldn't have left the room for a few hours, it is scientifically impossible to have done so.

  4. I would like to say while the autopsy report pointed out so many medical evidence towards homicide, why the LAPD stick with involuntary manslaughter..? Its because of lack of evidence or because they just want it to be that way?

  5. Sometimes I wonder abt this. Its only Murray's words we have towards Michael using propofol as sleeping aid during past few months. Murray was telling abt giving other drugs to avoid propofol addiction and Michael was able to sleep after given those other drugs. Can it be this is the first time Murray administered Propofol to MJ? Cuz if Murray had been given it to Michael for few weeks, he has the experience of which amount of propofol need to be given to sedate Michael. The cause of death is acute propofol intoxication. Can this happened if Murray has previous experience of administrating propofol?

  6. Murray being a licensed physician must have known the consequences of administering drugs.Especially Propofol for it is an anesthetic drug. Esther, like you have mentioned Michael's time of death could have been somewhere around the time Propofol was administered. Furthermore if i am not mistaken, the paramedics wanted to pronounce him dead at his mansion itself, for not being able to revive him. Propofol played a major role in the death of Michael.Whatever said and done i am nobody to judge as this is just my opinion. Thank you Esther.

  7. Hi sweetie
    You have been very busy. I like what you have written.
    I tend to think Michael had been dead for sometime. This is my observation.
    The paramedics asked Dr Murry repeatedly when the gentleman had died.That is leading in its self
    Linda Greatorex
    I am not anonymous I am just tired aaaand cant get my head round which profile to click ahah
    alias (blue bird)

  8. Thanks are the once that keep me going on with my writings..

  9. Não tive coragem de ler o relatório, só de imaginar é cruel.
    Mas suas anotações fazem muito sentido e eu continuo acreditando que Michael já estava morto.
    Nenhum overdose mortal suportaria tal.

