Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Part TwentyThree - The Aliases

Now when you think about what i wrote in the last part that the LAPD who found those meds also found that that none of the items were labeled as prescribed to any patiënt. That made me scratch the back of my head once more. Because if there weren’t any names on that one than how is it possible that people keep saying that Michael used aliases to get prescription drugs. After none of the items they found in the house had names on it.

You all must have heared about the news reports that the media claimed that Michael used the chef’s name to get drugs. The chef herself she didn’t know anything about it and seemed very shocked when this story brooke. How can this be when none of the drugs they found had a name on them. Once more we have a story that is as bogus as can be, but than where does this story come from?

To be able to answer this we have to take a look at the search warrant and affidavit again . I am gonna take you to page 21 of the affidavit, and it all starts on line 12. This is what has been said in the affidavit about Michael using other people’s names to get prescribtion drugs and i quote: “Jackson’s family and news reports have documented that Jackson has used the aliases of: Jack London, Mike Jackson, Frank Tyson and Mic Jackson. They also mention that would have prescriptions written in the names of members of his entourage.”

When i read that i was like “what, i’m not reading this right.” So i read it again to be sure my eyes and mind didn’t trick me. So the police got the info about the aliases from his family and the media? How can they get this info from his family if this same family claims they were kept away from Michael? Don’t get me wrong i’m not saying or implying the family is lying i’m just wondering where the family got this information from.

In the affidavit you can see that the LAPD interviewed Michael’s staff, employees and family members. We all know by now that Jermaine introduced Tohme Tohme to Michael, so could this man have told story’s like this to Michael’s family or was it somebody else who was working for Michael. To be honest i have the feeling there is more than one person who told this the to Michael’s family. Althoug i can’t proof what i’m about to say and i know not many people are gonna like what i’m gonna say, but there is only one other person i can think about who could be involved in planting these stories. So i hope you will hear me out and don’t shoot me for this.

Some of Michael’s employees have been on facebook for some time now, one of them is claiming to be his best friend. Before Michael died this person was full of praise about TII, but after Michael’s dead this person changed her tune a lot. This person claims to be in touch with his family. Not only that after Michael’s death she just keeps implying Michael was an addict, not only in his past but also during the TII rehearsels. To be honest this person acts more like a woman scorned, than anything else. But since she is so open about how addicted Michael might have been and how close she claims to be to the family she might also be the person who told the family things about this. It’s not like she has a clean record when it comes down to Michael, she has done things in the past that were at least insuitable. Don’t get me wrong i’m not saying i am right about this and Karen Faye did this, it’s just a thought from who i think could have told the family this besides Tohme Tohme. Because it would need more than one sourse to make this believeble for the family, and there are no better informants to a family than people that have worked for Michael fors o many years.

Now let’s take a look at the other sourse the LAPD mention for Michael using aliases to get prescriptioned drugs, the media. Since when does the media have a part in giving reliable information when it comes down to Michael? Since when is it normal to use gossip that comes from the media as being factual to proof that Michael used other names to get prescription drugs? All the “proof” the media has for that is pictures the media took from medications that were found during a Neverland raid for the 2005 trial. If you look at the pics the media has put out this time to proof Michael still used aliases to get presciption drugs durin TII i sugest you all take a good close look at the dates on the label of those pill bottles. Since that whole 2005 case was build on false statements there is no doubt in my mind that this so called “evidence” was false back than too. So that not only makes it bogus back than but also make is bogus right now.

When i kept on reading in the affidavit i found the LAPD is also using another sourse for their information about Michael using other names to get presciptioned drugs. As it seems the police got a call on Juli 17th from an unknown female caller. This unknown female has stated that she had information that Michael used aliases when he visited dr Klein. She also give them some namest hat Michael was using as aliases according to her. Since when is an unknown female a source you can trust. If you are working for the police wouldn’t you want to have this persons name to be able to check her storie? If you want to build a sollid case you would want to be sure that the sources you used are reliable, so you can use these people to take the stand when it comes to a point you will have to go to court. If you can’t put people like this on the stand all the evidence you are gonna show in court will be hearsay, and that way any defence lawyer will use this to their own benifit.

Another question i have is how did the chefs name get to beo n the list as being used by Michael to get prescripiton drugs? For that we have to take a look at the source it comes from, and once again it’s the media again. And yet again they twisted some facts. To show you what the real story is about the chef’s name being used for prescription drugs i am going back to the affidavit again. There is no mentioning about the chef’s name being found or used by Michael to get prescriptioned drugs. All it says in the affidavit is:”Through interviews of Jackson’s staff, employees and family, investigators determined that at the time of his death, Jackson’s closest circle of associates includes….”

After that they mentioned some names. I haven’t writen them down yet because i want to show you the complete list of names nicely put in one row. Keep in mind that these names don’t come from labels on pillbotles. They come from family, media and an unknown female combined with a list of people that were in Michael’s life just shortly before Michael died.

Here are the names the police mention in the affidavit:
- Jack London
- Mike Jackson
- Mick Jackson
- Frank Tyson
- Mic Jackson
- Michael Amir William Muhammad
- Jimmy Nicolas
- Blanca Nicolas
- Roselyn Muhammad
- Prince Jackson
- Faheem Muhammad
- Kai Chase
- Omar Arnold
- Fernand Diaz
- Peter Madonie
- Josephine Baker

Now does this list look familiar to you? Isn’t this almost the same list as the media claims that this are the aliases Michael used to get prescriptioned drugs? I hope you now see how the media is giving false information. They just combined the names on the affidavit and put their own story to it to be able to sell this as just one more things that proof Michael was addicted to prescriptioned drugs and would do just about anything to get it.

There is only one name from that whole list, that they found on a prescription. Please read this the right way it was on a presciption not on a pill bottle. The name is Omar Arnold…and guess what…surprise surprise…that perscription was written by, dr Klein.


  1. É uma grande falha da polícia em dar créditos nessas informações sem fundamentos.
    Mas a mídia só quer é FATURAR vendendo essas mentiras.

  2. Quanto a "amiga" Karen Faye vou ser direta, não gosto dela e não acredito em suas boas intenções.
    Amiga de longa data, quem precisa de inimiga.
    Expor a intimidade de Michael para mim não passa de uma grande traição, pricipalmente quando se muitas inverdades diz.


  3. You are sooo good. I couldn't imagine Michael using his son's name to get drugs and they made a big deal out of this on the news, like they found actual bottle with the names on them. Ok what about the other doctors being investigated for writing all of these perscriptions in various aliases? I haven't heard anything about them getting into trouble so there probably were none. All just made up by the media and what's her name KF. She is really getting me angry.
