Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Part TwentyOne - Ringing or Pumping

You know i just realized i have hardly told you anything about the time of death or the phonecalls that Conrad Murray made. I mention both these things in the same line for a reason so i hope you ill hear me out to find out why i do that. A lot of people believe Michael was already gone before the EMT’s got to him. I’ve mentioned that they wanted to call it but that Conrad Murray overruled them. We don’t know if the coronor has been able to get the real time of Michael’s death but i wouldn’t be surpised one bit i fit turns out to be sooner that they have tol dus so for. So maybe for now it is a good idea to talk about this a bit more.

To be able to talk about it we need to look at the search warrant and affidavit again In there we can clearly see Conrad Murray mentioning he started CPR right after he found Michael not breathing. If we go by the story Conrad Murray told the LAPD that would have been aroun 10.52am. Conrad Murray mentioned he called Michael Amir Williams to sent security upstairs. No where does Conrad Murray mention anything about making other phonecalls but as we coninue to read the affidavit we can see that the LAPD found something about other phonecalls. Let’s take a look at page 20 line 14, i quote: “Your affiant obtained Murray’s cellular Telephone records for the early morning hours of june 25, 2009.”

Now let’s take a closer look at what this is all about and where it leads us. In the affidavit we can read that these phonerecords show that Conrad Murray was on the phone fora bout 47 minutes. The calls started at 11.18am and ended at 12.05pm. There were three different phonecalls made. Now how on earth was it possible that Conrad Murray was on the phone all this time and still performing CPR? Unless this guy is an alien with six arms and hands there is no way possible that he could have done this. So imo we can rule out that he performed CPR since the LAPD have evidence that proofs he was on the phone.

The warrant doesn’t mention where the phones were made to, nor does it mention if Conrad Murray left the room to make these calls. But if you search the internet there is speculation going on about who he called. I guess we better take a look at what this speculation is all about but also we have to keep in mind that we can’t be sure until we get to see the actual phonerecords that this is the real deal about the phonerecords. Apperently Conrad Murray called dr. Klein first for advice because something went wrong. Than after that he also phoned a lawyer. Like i said i don’t know if this is all true but there is more. There is also talk about Conrad Murray calling his Houston office telling two office workers to clear out a storage facility. There is also the word out that Conrad Murray was on the phone with his Houston girlfriend at the time Conrad Murray found Michael. According to these talks this girlfriend has said she heard Conrad Murray entering Michael’s room and that he asked her to hold on, the next thing she claims to be hearing was Conrad Murray performing CPR. This according to her happend between 12.05pm and 12.13pm. This last thing looks like a big fat ly to me, it’s like a girlfriend trying to keep her boyfriend safe more than anything else if you ask me. As a matter of fact all of the phonecalls suggest that Conrad Murray knew exactly what was going on and that he was trying to cover his ass big time.

Michael imo was already gone when Conrad Murray was making these phonecalls, at the latest i think he died somewhere between 10.40am and 11.18am. I say at the latest because we don’t know what the coronor has found out about the time of death and the only thing i have as a guide for the timeline is the search warrant i keep talking about. I’ve already explained to you that the coronor has said that Michael died because of Acute Propofol Intoxecation. The word acute is the word that really matters when it comes down to the time i think Michael was killed. In this case acute means he died suddenly. Now according to Conrad Murray he give Michael propofol at 10.40am. If you combine the coronors finding we have heard together with when Conrad Murray said he give Michael propofol and the time the phonecalls started you can only come to the conclusion that the time of Michael’s death was between 10.40am and 11.18am.

I’m not saying i am correct about the time of Michael’s death, because we still don’t know about all the other things the coronor or the LAPD have found. We don’t even know if the timeline about the meds Conrad Murray is talking about is true. After all we have already discoverd so many lies and contradictions comming from Conrad Murray that if this timeline is incorrect it can very well be that Michael even died earlier than the time i say.
Also the thing i need to point out is that this still doesn’t mean Conrad Murray is actually the one who killed Michael. Although he says he give Michael propofol after all the lies and contradictions we have heard he might also be lying about that.

One thing i do know is that the more i look into this the less sence things seem to make. It looks like a lot of people are covering up things, and it ain’t just Conrad Murray doing the covering up. The more i hear, read and see the more people there seem to be involved in this one way or another.

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